How To Prepare Urban Wolf  The Urban Wolf Recipe
Before you start, you will need: 2 cups Urban Wolf Premix 2 lb or 4 cups raw ground lean meat or poultry (precook and chill if you do not feed raw). Sunflower oil, safflower, chicken or beef fat (or up to 1/2 coconut oil) 1 cooked Egg (optional) 4-5 cups cold water or unsalted broth Urban Wolf Wild Fish Oil Softgels or 1 small can fish (optional) Urban Wolf Liver Powder (Puppies under 12 months and Lactating Bitches USE "Urban Wolf Balancer')
Combine: 2 cups Urban Wolf Premix (for Puppies under 12 months & pregnant lactating females add 2 tbsp Urban Wolf �Balancer�) 4-5 cups cold water or unsalted broth (less if using cooked meat & include the cooking juices) SOAK 15-20 mins. (will be consistency of pureed vegetables) Add & Combine: 2 lb. (4 cups) raw or cooked chilled lean ground meat (any kind of meat) - If using cooked meat, chill before combining. 3/4 cup sunflower (or other) oil (1/4 cup for inactive dogs; 1/2-3/4 cup moderatley active dogs; 1 cup active dogs) 4 cooked egg(optional) up to 4-10 �Urban Wolf Wild Fish Oil SoftGels� &/or 1/4 lb canned or cooked optional salmon or mackerel 2 tbsp Urban Wolf Liver Powder Feed, refrigerates for 1-2 days, freeze extra in serving portions. Makes 10+ cups ready-to-serve food
Urban Wolf is the world's original grain-free biologically appropriate real food diet mix for dogs that allows you to make your own powerful homemade dog food quickly, easily and very economically. Cooked or Raw Meat?  This is a very important issue. We RECOMMEND all dogs start with precooked meat unless your dog has already eaten a raw diet; Then gradually transition to raw meat after a few months (if you wish to feed raw). If you are unsure if your dog should be eating raw meat, we recommend you ask your Vet. Some dogs that have spent their lives eating commercial kibble have a tough time with raw meat so please have compassion for your pet & PRE-COOK your meat. When using cooked meat with Urban Wolf you dog will not lose any of the benefits of this superb diet (*make sure you add all the cooking juices to the food). We have had dogs eat nothing but Urban Wolf with cooked meat for years and they have done as well as the dogs on raw.
If you are unsure about raw meat, please ask your Vet if it is suitable for your individual dog.
Feeding Raw: Healthy dogs can digest raw meat easily, their systems were designed to eat raw meat and have a great capacity for naturally dealing with the high bacteria levels. If your dog is in good health and you want to start feeding raw meat, just make the change. We recommend starting with raw beef or lamb and then try poultry after a couple of weeks. You dog should have normal stools and if there is any GI upset and he hasn't been overfed or hasn't eaten anything else, he may not be ready for raw. Go back to precooked meat. In general, healthy dogs can eat raw meat.
IMPORTANT: Do not feed raw meat or raw bones to your dog if you have young children or the elderly in your home. Always wash food and preparation dishes & utensils in hot soapy water after use and use a disinfectant cleaner on your preparation surface. Wash your hands well. You must handle raw meat in your home and fridge with care. |
Feeding Puppies  Urban Wolf is an excellent diet choice for your new or older puppy. Suitable for all breed, all size, all age puppies, Urban Wolf has been used by breeders and dog owners for over a decade. We are often asked if this diet is good for a large or giant breed and our answer is YES! Unlike commercial foods, Urban Wolf allows your large or giant breed puppy to grow gradually over the first year which in turn allows the joints to form, bones to calcify and the tendons and ligaments to strengthen. Commercial kibble will cause your puppy to grow too fast or some of the 'large breed' puppy kibble have slower growth but the puppies get fat. When dealing with growing puppies NOTHING compares to a well balanced whole food diet designed for growing youngsters. This is what Urban Wolf with the Balancer does.
To give your puppy the best start, it's essential to include our Urban Wolf 'Balancer' with your Urban Wolf. To prepare your puppy's food, simply follow the instructions on the Urban Wolf package and add 1 tbsp of 'Balancer' per cup of Urban Wolf dry mix. Combine all the ingredients and feed. Please use the Balancer for the first 12 months. Here is the recipe including the Balancer for your puppy: . URBAN WOLF has evolved to reach the pinnacle of all dog foods. Feeding Guidelines 
The following are only guidelines. Some dogs will eat more, some less. Please use these guidelines as a starting poing and increase or decrease as necessary.
FEEDING GUIDELINES Daily Portions - Prepared Food: Based on Adult Dogs' Ideal Weight & DEPENDS ON amount of oil used in recipe: 10-30 lb. Dog = 1/4-1 1/2 cups 40-50 lb. Dog = 2 - 2 1/2cups. 60-80 lb. Dog = 2 1/2- 3 1/2 cups. 90+ lb. Dog = 3 1/2 - 4+ cups prepared food. ADULTS: Feed 2 meals/day. Puppies: Feed 2x's adult portions by puppy weight increasing as puppy grows. After teething (5-6 months) you will not need to increase portions, your puppy will start eating a more predictable amount of daily food. FEED PUPPIES: Under 6 wks: 4 meals/day; 6-16 wks: 3 meals/day; 16+ wks 2 meals per/day. When puppies reach 5-6 months old they naturally reduce their portions and eat a more predictable amount of food. Weaning Babies: When weaning babies, puree prepared Urban Wolf (made with with precooked meat & Balancer with a little water and feed as gruel. You do not need to feed milk or pablum, Balancer contains goat milk so your puppies will be able to digest this food very easily and they will wean in no time without digestive confusion or upset. We have had lots of hands-on experience with weaning babies onto Urban Wolf. If you have an questions or would like more information, please email us and we will be glad to help.
*** When your dog or puppy first starts on Urban Wolf he will need more food for the first 2 months because his body is craving the good nutrition that his new diet is supplying. After the first 60 days (or so) he will settle into a more predictable daily amount, usually it's approx. 20% less than when he started. He may start leaving some of his food. If this happens and he is otherwise happy and normal*, simply cut back on his next meal by the amount he left behind and feed him a little less from then on. (*please do not confuse leaving food with anorexia or illness. If your dog is leaving food and is not acting normally, please consult your Vet as he may have an underlying health issue.) If he starts gaining or losing weight, decrease or increase portions slightly until he is at optimal weight. So, what do we offer? We make it easy and economical for you to make your own highly digestible homemade dog food. And when we say easy, we mean easy!
What To Expect When You Start Feeding Urban Wolf  When dogs/puppies start eating Urban Wolf they generally lose the unhealthy body fat they gained while on Kibble (kibble does not supply the protein that Urban Wolf does so the more you feed your dog kibble trying to get them to build muscle, they can only put on fat and they get fat as a result). Urban Wolf on the other hand feeds the body to build up essential muscle BEFORE they put on fat (this takes approx. the first two months on UW). This is why some seem ravenous all the time. This hunger is usually short lived (first two months on the food), then they settle into normal eating patterns. Please scroll down to see some of the Frequently Asked Questions pertaining to feeding Urban Wolf for the first time. 1. "My Dog/Puppy seems hungry all the time". If your dog or puppy has never eaten a whole food/real food diet before, he may eat more food in the first two months than average. Dogs & puppies sense they have been starved of real food nutrition and their bodies need it to rebuild. So, for the first two months your pet may seem 'hungry' all the time. When this happens, it's ok to feed a little more than our feeding guidelines. Feed to 'bowel tolerance', which means you feed as much food as your dog/puppy will ea WITHOUT getting a soft or mushy stool. This will be the correct amount of food to naturally feed your pet. If you own a puppy, please increase rations every couple of weeks until appetites wane at around 5-6 months, then cut back to regular portions.
2. "My dog/puppy is leaving some food at meal times". If your dog/puppy is leaving food at meals, it's a sign of overfeeding. After being on Urban Wolf for 2 months most adult dogs automatically reduce their daily portions on their own If you notice your dog or puppy leaving some food, cut back on portions. If your dog is refuses to eat 2 entire meals in a row (& he/she is not getting any other food/treats), it may be a sign of an underlying Veterinary issue, call your Vet immediately. 3. "My dog is losing weight". Dogs that have been reasied on kibble often carry around unhealthy body fat and limited muscle mass. When dogs start on Urban Wolf they will start losing that unhealthy body fat and will start building muscle at the same time. Losing the fat will happen faster than building up new muscle so sometimes in the first 3 weeks you will think your dog is losing weight. Don't panic! Increase portions to bowel tolernace and be patient. Within the next few months your dog will buld up all the muscle he needs for his lifestyle and then he will start laying down the fat. If he actaully startes geting fat, reduce portions. If your dog is losing weight and is still hungry, please increase portions as per 1. above. If your dog is eating well, has been de wormed and is still losing weight it may be an underlying Veterinary issue, please consult your Vet. 4. "My dog is gaining weight" If your dog is gaining weight, cut back on daily portions. If your dog is gaining weight and is eating below our recommended Feeding Guidelines for an average dog his/her ideal weight, he may have an underlying veterinary issue (ie thyroid), please consult your Vet. 5. "My dog is fussy and won't eat Urban Wolf & will only eat meat or treats". If your dog is otherwise healthy and only 'want's to eat treats and meat from the table, the problem is you (the owner), not the dog (who is smart enough to have trained you well!). The best remedy for this is to stop all treats and food other than Urban Wolf and discipline yourself as an owner to help your dog get the best nutrition. We have never met a healthy dog that we could not convert to Urban Wolf as long as you, the owner followed these easy directions: a. The first place to start is to eliminate all treats and table scraps for 2 months. b. Pre cook your meat in 4 cups water & use the cooking water as part of the 'broth' in the recipe. c. Feed your dog at the same time of day and if he/she leaves any food pick it up and reduce the days's rations by the amount that was left over at each meal. d. Do not feed snacks in-between meals. e. Do not leave food down longer than 20 minutes. f. If you own more than one dog or a cat, they may be intimidating the other dog at meal time, offer the poor eater privacy to eat his meal (ie: in a crate or favorite quiet spot). If you are still having problems with your fussy dog please click the link below for help and support: Help! I can't get my fussy dog to eat Urban Wolf! - click here
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